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Ralph Weber Joins Executive Council of the World Conference on Sinology
Prof. Ralph Weber has been appointed member of the Executive Council of the World Conference on Sinology during a stay in China in October. In the context of his visit, he also gave a talk and was welcomed at several university institutes in Beijing.
Prof. Weber was nominated as one of the Executive Council's members during a conference on "Sinology in the 21st Century: Retrospect and Prospect" at Renmin University of China (Zhongguo Renmin Daxue中国人民大学). At the conference, he gave a talk titled "All about Fiction: European Global Studies, Chinese Studies, and Sinology". The Executive Council consists of 26 members and meets every year. It is responsible for the thematic agenda of the biennial World Sinology conferences as well as for the academic journal World Sinology (Shijie Hanxue 世界汉学).
Furthermore, Prof. Weber visited Renmin University's Centre for European Studies, where he met with the Execute Director, Prof. Yan Jin, as well as Prof. Luo Tianhong (Deputy Director), and Prof. Fang Lexian (Senior Research Fellow). He also visited the recently founded Institute for Global History at Beijing Foreign Studies University (Beijing Waiguoyu Daxue 北京外国语大学), where the Institute's Director Prof. Li Xuetao gave him an update on its development in the past months.
Prof. Ralph Weber is Assistant Professor for European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies. His main research areas are: Methodological and conceptual aspects of multilingual and transcultural research, comparative philosophy, Chinese political philosophy, Chinese politics, and Confucianism.
Impressions of Prof. Weber's stay in China:
- Business Meeting of the Executive Council of the World Conference on Sinology. [JPEG] (JPG, 923.44 KB)
- Nomination ceremony with Xu Lin, Vice Minister and Director of Hanban, the coordinating office of all Confucius Institutes worldwide. [JPEG] (JPG, 605.30 KB)
- Prof. Ralph Weber, holding a presentation at the conference. [JPEG] (JPG, 1.14 MB)