Sovereignty in Europe: Working Lunch with Dr. Julian Eckl

“Varieties of ‘Europe’ and ‘European’ experiences of sovereignty” was the topic of our Working Lunch on October 24, 2017. Dr. Julian Eckl (University of Hamburg) used findings from his research on global health governance to explore the issue. The event took place at 12:15pm in the Seminar Room.

Julian Eckl is a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Hamburg. His research interests include: global health governance, the society of states, diplomacy, public-private partnerships, and multilateral international organizations. He was trained as a political scientist but also draws on neighboring fields like ethnology/anthropology, history, and science and technology studies. From a methodological point of view, much of his recent research combines participant observation with the analysis of historical material. His main research project is a political ethnography of sites of global health governance. It investigates the way in which the participants try to deal with the practical challenges that this kind of political work entails.

During his stay in Basel, he analyzes empirical material that was collected in the course of this project. A particular emphasis is put on micro-practices of sovereignty and on the role of “Europe” in global health governance.

The Working Lunches are a regular event at the Institute for European Global Studies. They serve as a platform of communication between the researchers of the institute, visiting scholars and associated members.

The Working Lunch “Varieties of ‘Europe’ and ‘European’ experiences of sovereignty: insights from a political ethnography of sites of global health governance” took place on October 24, 2017, at 12:15pm in the Seminar Room, Institute for European Global Studies, Gellertstrasse 27, CH-4052 Basel.