
Xiaoqing Diana

/ Forschung

Talk by Xiaoqing Diana Lin on Modern Chinese Philosopher Feng Youlan

On November 22, 2019, Xiaoqing Diana Lin gave a talk at the Institute for European Global Studies entitled “From Metaphysics to Dialectical Materialism: Feng Youlan and Chinese Communism.”
Conference Key Visual

/ People

Teresa Pullano Presents Paper at a Colloquium on "Proportionality, Fundamental Rights and Judges"

On November 20, 2019, Teresa Pullano participated in a colloquium on "Proportionality, Fundamental Rights and Judges" at the University of Neuchâtel. In her paper, she explored European Controversies about "Free Movement, Citizenship and…
Gesellschaft Schweiz-China

/ People

Ralph Weber über die Hintergründe der chinesischen Weltpolitik

Kann die chinesische Weltpolitik anhand der philosophischen Tradition des Landes erklärt werden? Dieser Frage widmete sich Ralph Weber am 19. November 2019 in einem Referat an der Hochschule Luzern, das von der «Gesellschaft Schweiz-China»…

/ Forschung

Vortrag von Christa Tobler an der Universität Gent

Am 19. November 2019 veranstalteten die Fakultät für Recht und Kriminologie der Universität Gent (Belgien) und das hent European Law Institute einen wissenschaftlichen Workshop zum Thema «Switzerland and the European Union: A strong…
Pan American Unity Mural by Diego Rivera

/ Forschung

Teresa Pullano Participates in Conference at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence

"Transnational Class, the Struggle for Hegemony and the Dilemma of Political Subjectivity beyond National Identity" was the title of a paper Teresa Pullano presented at a conference on "The Politics of Fragmented Identities." The conference…
Deal or No Deal

/ Events

Podiumsdiskussion: «Deal or No Deal»

«Wie weiter mit der Schweizer Europapolitik?» Diese Frage steht im Zentrum einer Podiumsdiskussion mit Staatssekretär Dr. Roberto Balzaretti und Rolf Weder, Professor für Aussenwirtschaft und Europäische Integration. Die öffentliche…
Ralph Weber

/ People

Ralph Weber at Conferences in Germany

In early November, Prof. Ralph Weber participated in different events on China Studies and Chinese Philosophy in Germany. At conferences in Freiburg and Düsseldorf, the professor for European Global Studies discussed panel contributions; at…
Hong Kong at Night

/ Studium

Let’s Debate & Let’s Eat: Fokus Hong Kong

Am 7. November 2019 fand das erste «Let’s Debate & Let’s Eat» im neuen Domizil des Europainstituts statt. Hong Kong bildete den thematischen Rahmen für die Debattierveranstaltung für die Studierenden des Europainstituts.
Pionerskii Fountain, Zaporizhzhia

/ Events

Europakolloquium with URIS Fellow Mykhailo Minakov

“Demodernization in Post-Soviet Societies: The Case of Ukraine” is the title of an upcoming Europakolloquium with Mykhailo Minakov. The event takes place on October 29, 2019, at 6:15pm (Alte Universität). It is organized by the Institute…
Peking University Campus

/ Forschung

Ralph Weber Holds Presentation at Symposium in Beijing

”Tu Weiming's 'Multiple Modernities'” were the topic of a presentation by Ralph Weber on October 20, 2019, in Beijing. Weber held his talk at ”The Second Spiritual Humanism Symposium” which took place at Peking University.