
Ralph Weber

/ People

Ralph Weber Presents Keynote Lecture at the World Conference on Sinology

“Philosophy and Sinology: Friends or Foes?” was the title of a keynote lecture Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber presented at the World Conference on Sinology 2018. The conference focused on the topic “Understanding China” and took place from November…
Max Hufschmidt

/ Organisation

Max Hufschmidt, Studierender - #Connecting Europe for 25 Years

Im Masterstudium hat Max Hufschmidt verschiedene Sichtweisen auf die Erfolge und Misserfolge der Idee Europa kennengelernt. Das Schaffen internationaler Verbindungen und die Forschung am Europainstitut hält er in Zeiten von Populismus für…
Refugee Camp Varambé (Geneva), 1942

/ Events

International Workshop: Dealing with Jewish Refugees during World War II

Who were the different local, national, and transnational actors who dealt with Jewish refugees during World War II? And how did they define the refugees’ needs and interests? These questions were at the core of the international early…
Andrea Rehling

/ Organisation

International Fellow Dr. Andrea Rehling – #Connecting Europe for 25 Years

Von der britischen Entscheidung, die EU zu verlassen, erfuhr Andrea Rehling auf einem Schweizer Bahnhof. Wenig später kam die deutsche Historikerin für ihr erstes Visiting Fellowship ans Europainstitut nach Basel. In ihrem Jubiläumsbeitrag…
We are an Independent State

/ Events

«We are an Independent State»: Europakolloquium zum Auftritt der irokesischen Six Nations vor dem Völkerbund

Um den Auftritt der irokesischen Six Nations vor dem Völkerbund ging es beim letzten Europakolloquium. Der Vortrag von Prof. Aram Mattioli (Universität Luzern) fand am Dienstag, den 6. November 2018, um 18:15 Uhr im Europainstitut statt.
Jahrgang 2018

/ Studium

Diplomfeier des Europainstituts

Den diesjährigen AbsolventInnen des Europainstituts wurden am 18. Oktober bei einem festlichen Anlass ihre Diplome verliehen. Mehrere Studierende wurden für ihre besonderen Leistungen ausgezeichnet. Yves Mettler (Urban Art Intervention &…
Fiona B. Adamson

/ Organisation

International Fellow Dr. Fiona B. Adamson – #Connecting Europe for 25 Years

In 2017, Fiona B. Adamson spent three months as an International Fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies. During her time in Basel, as she reflects in her anniversary contribution, she found a stimulating and non-hierarchical…
The Long Arm of U.S. Antitrust

Event on U.S. Antitrust Policy in Basel

The implications of U.S. antitrust policy for foreign business will be discussed at a talk and panel discussion at the University of Basel. The event titled ”The Long Arm of U.S. Antitrust: Implications for Swiss Managers” will be chaired…
University of Zurich

Ralph Weber Speaks at Conference in Zurich

Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber has held a presentation on Chinese writer Liu Xiaobo at a conference at the University of Zurich. The conference titled ”Residual Futures: Rethinking Utopianism in Modern China” was held on October 3-6, 2018.
Donna Gabaccia

/ Organisation

International Fellow Prof. Dr. Donna Gabaccia – #Connecting Europe for 25 Years

The Institute for European Global Studies regularly hosts international fellows. Donna Gabaccia visited Basel in 2014 and used her time at the Institute to explore why the motif of immigration features so prominently in US history. In her…