
/ Studium

Prof. Peter deSouza from Delhi Co-Teaches a Seminar at the EIB

From September 29 to October 7, 2017, Prof. Peter deSouza and Prof. Ralph Weber will jointly teach a seminar for master's students on political and moral conundrums in modern democracy. Peter deSouza is professor of political theory at the…

/ Forschung

“Learning from Athens”: German Elections and the Need for Reform

On September 24, 2017, Germany has elected a new parliament and government. Will the newly elected political leaders of the country be able to “learn from Athens”? A comment by Teresa Pullano, Assistant Professor for European Global…

/ Events

Öffentliche Ringvorlesung „Denkraum Griechenland“

Im Herbstsemester 2017 richtet das Europainstitut Basel die öffentliche Vorlesungsreihe „Denkraum Griechenland – Multiperspektivische Annäherungen“ aus. Die Reihe ist Teil des Masterstudiengangs European Global Studies und wird in…

/ Events

Öffentlicher Abendvortrag zum Thema Raumentwicklung

Kann die Schweiz beim Thema Raumentwicklung von Europa lernen? Dr. Maria Lezzi, Direktorin des Bundesamts für Raumentwicklung ARE, widmet sich dieser Frage im Rahmen eines öffentlichen Abendvortrags, der am Montag, dem 4. September 2017, um…

/ Events

Conference on “Global Chinese Philosophy”

Almost 100 scholars have presented their work at the 2nd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP), which took place in Basel on September 7-9, 2017. The theme of the conference was "Global Chinese…

/ Forschung

Neue Online-Publikation: “Tobler/Beglinger-Brevier zum Institutionellen Abkommen Schweiz-EU”

Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler und Jacques Beglinger, D.E.S.S., haben ein Brevier zum institutionellen Rahmen der Beziehungen der Schweiz und der Europäischen Union veröffentlicht. Die online-Publikation soll zu einem besseren Verständnis der…

/ Organisation

Cong Cao Visiting Professor at the Institute

Until the end of August, Cong Cao, Professor of Chinese Studies at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies of the University of Nottingham Ningbo (China), is conducting research as a visiting professor at the Institute for European…

/ Organisation

Call for Applications: Visiting Fellowships 2018

The Europainstitut (Institute for European Global Studies) of the University of Basel, Switzerland, welcomes applications for three Visiting Fellowships (three months in 2018, starting in spring or in autumn) in the field of European Global…

/ Forschung

“Tonight It Is Europe and the World Looking at Us…”

With the current success of populists and the fear of Frexit in mind, Emmanuel Macron’s victory at the French presidential elections was widely perceived as a critical turning point for Europe. But is the new French government able and…

/ Events

7th European Conference on African Studies in Basel

“Urban Africa – Urban Africans: New Encounters of the Rural and the Urban” was the topic of the 7th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS). The conference was organized by the Centre for African Studies Basel and the Swiss Society…