
Keyvisual of the event

Talk by Paul Anderson (Cambridge) on China and the Middle East

Dr. Paul Anderson (University of Cambridge) will give a talk titled "Syrian Merchants in Yiwu: Locating the Middle East in Asia" on November 7, 2023, at 4:15 p.m. It will take place at the University of Basel, Maiengasse U115. The event is…
Noureddine Wenger´s presents at University of Bern / Noureddine Wenger

/ News, Forschung, People

Noureddine Wenger gave a talk at University of Bern

Noureddine Wenger gave a presentation titled "Appropriating Postmodernism in the Arab World: On the Circulation and Transformation of Ideas in Times of Crisis" at the University of Bern. The lecture was held on 11 October 2023 as part of…
front view University of Bonn / Gentjan Skara

/ News, People

Visiting Fellow Gentjan Skara at University of Bonn

On 17 October 2023, Gentjan (Genti) Skara, Katekisama Visiting Fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies, gave a presentation as part of the “Katekisama Lecture Series” at the University of Bonn.
Book cover "Sinophone Utopias" / Ralph Weber

/ News, Forschung

Ralph Weber publishes book chapter in "Sinophone Utopias"

Ralph Weber published a paper titled "Between Utopianism and Political Realism: Liu Xiaobo, Political Confucians, and the CCP" in the book "Sinophone Utopias: Exploring Futures Beyond the China Dream". The volume was edited by Andrea…
Buchcover / Ralph Weber

/ News, Forschung

Publikation von Ralph Weber über chinesischen Philosophen Tu Weiming

Ralph Weber publizierte einen Beitrag mit dem Titel «Tu Weiming und das politische Denken eines nichtpolitischen Denkers» in dem Sammelband «Menschsein lernen - Entwurf eines Humanismus im konfuzianischen Geist». Der Band wurde…
Fribourg city center / Ralph Weber

/ News, Forschung

Ralph Weber gave a presentation at the University of Fribourg

Ralph Weber gave a talk titled "Confucianism as Religion and as Pre-Comparative Tertium: On the Possibility and Limits of Comparison". His presentation was part of the conference "Comparison and Comparative Theology," held from 5-7…
Fotos von Mark-Anthony Schwestermann

/ News, Doktorat

Das Europainstitut gratuliert Mark-Anthony Schwestermann zur erfolgreichen Dissertation!

In seinem Promotionsprojekt untersuchte Mark-Anthony Schwestermann, welche rechtlichen Massnahmen die Schweiz auf den Gebieten des privaten Arbeitsrechts und des Sozialversicherungsrechts ergreifen sollte, um Altersdiskriminierung im…
Photo: shutterstock

Lecture Series: "European Global Studies: Focus Transnational Repression"

"European Global Studies: Focus Transnational Repression" is the title of this year`s lecture series at the Institute for European Global Studies. It is organised by Ralph Weber and Shrey Kapoor in context of the MA European Global Studies.
Fotos: UN-Hauptquartier in New York (wikimedia commons); Porträt von Pascale Baeriswyl (UN Photo / Eskinder Debebe)

/ News, Events

Europakolloquium mit Pascale Baeriswyl, Leiterin der Schweizer Mission bei der UNO

Das Europainstitut begrüsst Botschafterin Pascale Baeriswyl, Chefin der Ständigen Mission der Schweiz bei den Vereinten Nationen, im Rahmen eines Europakolloquiums. Ihr Vortrag zum Thema «Eine Welt in der Krise: Welchen Beitrag kann die…
Dictrict Gamla stan in Stockholm (links) / Porträt Ralph Weber (rechts)

/ News, Forschung

Ralph Weber at the 14th Network Europe Conference in Stockholm

On 26 September 2023, Ralph Weber gave a presentation at the "14 th Network Europe Conference EU Enlargement and European Integration: Challenges and Perspectives" in Stockholm. This international conference was organized by the European…