Vorträge und öffentliche Auftritte

/ Events
«Normative Hybridity as Methodological Approach for Political Theory Building»: Workshop with Elena Ziliotti
How is it possible to develop normative political models for contemporary ‘non-Western’ societies while avoiding coloniality and Eurocentrism? This critical question will be at the center of a workshop with Elena Ziliotti, Assistant…
/ Forschung
Philippe Major Co-Edits New Volume on Liang Shuming’s Philosophy
Liang Shuming 梁漱溟 (1893–1988) is one of the most contested figures of modern Chinese intellectual history. The contributions of the “Dao Companion to Liang Shuming’s Philosophy,” edited by Philippe Major and Thierry Meynard, seek to do…
/ People
Mapping Modern Confucian Networks: Presentation in Berlin
Philippe Major, Yim Fong Chan and Milan Matthiesen have pitched their project "Mapping Confucian Networks (1911-2021)" at the Orientalistentag 2022. The three researchers aim to create a database and website highlighting the networks of…
/ Forschung, People
How Modern Confucian Thought Sees the West: Philippe Major at Workshop in Paris
"Modern Confucian Images of the 'West': On the 'New Confucian Manifesto' (1958)" was the title of a recent presentation by Philippe Major at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Major spoke at a workshop on "Modernity and Philosophy in…
/ Weitere
Philippe Major and Milan Matthiesen Present Papers at Online Conference on "The Other in Chinese History and Thought"
"Modern Confucian Others" was the topic of a panel Philippe Major and Milan Matthiesen participated in at the international workshop "The Other in Chinese History and Thought: Territory, Race, Culture, Philosophy, Religion." The event was…
/ People
Ralph Weber and Philippe Major Present Papers at EACS 2021
At the 23rd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS), Ralph Weber and Philippe Major contributed to a panel that presented “Inquiries into the Sociology of Modern Confucianism.” The research the two…
/ Forschung
Philippe Major Participates in Conference at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy of Academia Sinica
Philippe Major presented a paper at the conference “文化詮釋與諸傳統之衝擊對話” (Cultural Interpretation and the Shock and Dialogue between Traditions), which took place on September 5, 2019, in Taiwan. The academic gathering was organized by the…
/ Forschung
Researchers from the Institute at the 21st International Conference on Chinese Philosophy
“Reality, Argumentation, and Persuasion: Metaphysical Explorations and Epistemological Engagements in Chinese Philosophy” was the topic of the 21st International Conference on Chinese Philosophy. Ralph Weber, Philippe Major, and Zhenxu Xu…
/ Forschung
Ralph Weber and Philippe Major at the Biannual Conference of the Nordic Association for Chinese Studies
“When China Faces the World” was the topic of the biannual conference of the Nordic Association of Chinese Studies on June 13-14, 2019. Ralph Weber and Philippe Major organized a panel and presented papers at the event in Bergen (Norway).