
North-West University / Lerato Posholi

/ News, Forschung

Lerato Posholi presents at PSSA Annual Conference

Lerato Posholi presented a paper titled “Conceptualizing Epistemic Appropriation” at the annual conference of the Philosophical Society of Southern Africa (PSSA) hosted by the North-West University. In contrast to current accounts that…
Book Cover Thesis Sebastian Meyer

/ News, Doktorat, People

New Book Publication about Migration Management in the EU by Sebastian Meyer

Sebastian Meyer has published his thesis on how EU member states manage migration between national sovereignty and EU membership. He is an expert in EU law, specializing in constitutional and institutional issues. His research focuses on EU…
Logo / Christa Tobler

/ News, Events

Christa Tobler zu Gast am Kaminfeuergespräch «Schweiz in Europa»

Christa Tobler nahm als Panelteilnehmerin am internationalen «Braunwald-Inferno»-Kamingespräch teil, das vom 17. bis 19. Januar 2025 im Glarner Bergdorf Braunwald stattfand. Der Schwerpunkt des Gesprächs lag auf den Verhandlungen zwischen…
On the left handside, there is a photo of Christa Tobler. On the right, there is a reproduction of the logo of the College of Europe in Natolin.

/ News, People, Weitere

Guest Seminar by Christa Tobler at the College of Europe in Natolin

Professor Christa Tobler has organised a guest seminar together with Professor Adam Łazowski, Visiting Professor and Scientific Coordinator of the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair at the College of Europe in Natolin. The seminar session…
Newsletter Key Visual

/ News, Campus

New Issue of the Newsletter #146

The current issue of the newsletter looks back on an eventful autumn semester. Highlights included a special event marking the 25th and 20th anniversaries of Switzerland's Bilateral I and II agreements with the EU, which featured valuable…
Maria Birnbaum presents her research

/ News, Forschung, Events

Working Lunch with Maria Birnbaum: “Politics of Ignorance: The Power of Not Knowing”

Maria Birnbaum gave a presentation entitled “Politics of Ignorance: The Power of Not Knowing” at the working lunch on 11 December 2024, focusing on the meaning, practice, and power of ignorance in the context of international politics. The…
Ralph Weber / SNF-Logo

/ News, Forschung, Organisation, People

Ralph Weber ist Mitglied im neuen SNF-Forschungsrat

Ralph Weber wurde zum Mitglied des Forschungsrats des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (SNF) gewählt. Seit Anfang 2024 ist er als externer Experte im Fachausschuss Internationale Zusammenarbeit tätig gewesen. In seiner neuen Rolle wird er…
Thanu Korn mit Dissertations-Urkunde

/ News, Forschung, Doktorat

Das Europainstitut gratuliert Thanushiyah Korn zur erfolgreichen Dissertation!

Thanushiyah Korn hat ihre Dissertation erfolgreich mit Bestnote abgeschlossen. In ihrem Promotionsprojekt mit dem Titel «Development, Cooperation and Conflict – A Global History of Rwanda’s Path to the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi» setzte…
Logo of the University of Bonn and photo of Corey Ross.

/ News, Forschung, Weitere

Keynote Presentation by Corey Ross at the University of Bonn

Prof. Dr. Corey Ross has given a keynote lecture entitled «Water and Power in the Age of Empire – and Beyond» at the University of Bonn. The presentation was part of the international conference «Empire & Environment. 'A Place for Stories:…
Christa Tobler zeigt Beispiele auf

/ News, Events, People

«Zum Geburtstag der Bilateralen I und II – aller guten Dinge sind III?! Ein Generationengespräch»

Am 25. November 2024 diskutierten am Europainstitut Nationalrätin Sarah Wyss und Prof. em. Dr. Georg Kreis, Gründungsdirektor des Europainstituts, unter der Moderation von Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler und Prof. Dr. Andreas Müller über die…