
Universität Kassel / Barbara von Rütte

/ News, Forschung, Events

Barbara von Rüttes Vortrag über die UN-BRK an der Universität Kassel

Barbara von Rütte sprach auf einer interdisziplinären Fachtagung über die Umsetzung der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention (UN-BRK) in der Schweiz. In ihrem Vortrag analysierte sie den aktuellen Umsetzungsstand in der Schweiz und diskutierte…
Logo Conference / Barbara von Rütte

/ News, Forschung, Events

Conference lecture by Barbara von Rütte at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Barbara von Rütte gave a lecture at the conference "Making Rights Reality: The Human Rights of Undocumented Migrant Workers" held at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In her presentation, she addressed the systemic exclusion of undocumented…
Christa Tobler gives her talk

/ News, Events

Christa Tobler Has Given a Talk at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Christa Tobler gave a guest lecture on the topic of indirect discrimination on 13 June 2024 at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in Lithuania.
Corey Ross gave a presentation at University of Tübingen

/ News, Forschung, People

Corey Ross gave a presentation at University of Tübingen

Corey Ross has given a guest lecture entitled “The Political Ecology of Urban Water in the Colonial World” at the University of Tübingen. The invited talk focused on his research on water and power in the age of empire, and took place on 3…
Book Cover / Corey Ross

/ News, Forschung, People

New Publication by Corey Ross on Commodity History and Environmental Change

Corey Ross has published a chapter entitled “Commodities, Trade, and Ecological Transformation in the Modern World” in the Oxford Handbook of Commodity History, which appeared in early 2024 with Oxford University Press.

/ News

New Issue of the Newsletter #144

The current issue of the newsletter looks on a spring semester full of lively exchange of knowledge and ideas through a wide variety of events, inputs and discussion formats. It started with the inaugural lecture of Prof. Corey Ross,…
MA Studentin Srishti aus Indien

/ News, Studium, Campus

Interview with Visiting Student Srishti

"My time in Basel did not only meet, but really exceeded my expectations of studying and living abroad. I would absolutely encourage every student with the opportunity to go on an exchange semester to seize it!", says Srishti, MA student…
Jahresbericht 2023

/ News, Organisation

Jahresbericht 2023 ist erschienen

Feierlichkeiten zum 30-jährigen Bestehen des Europainstituts, der Amtsantritt des neuen Direktors Prof. Corey Ross und der zukunftweisende Ausbau thematischer Schwerpunkte und internationaler Partnerschaften machten 2023 zu einem äusserst…
Gebäude in Nancy

/ News, Studium

Neue Kooperation mit der Université de Lorraine

Ab 2025 können Studierende des Europainstituts einen Auslandsaufenthalt an der Université de Lorraine in Nancy verbringen. Das Europainstitut kooperiert dort mit dem Centre Européen Universitaire (CEU). Wir freuen uns auf die…
Glenn Penny and Corey Ross

/ News, Forschung, Events

Salon Discussion with Prof. Glenn Penny: “Central Peripheries From Salzburg to Basel”

The Institute for European Global Studies invited Prof. Glenn Penny from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to a salon discussion titled “Central Peripheries From Salzburg to Basel”. The event took place on 31 May 2024 and was…