/ Organisation
Ausschreibung: Gastwissenschaftler

Das Europainstitut Basel nimmt Bewerbungen von qualifizierten Wissenschaftlern als Gastwissenschaftler entgegegen. Die Fellowships sind auf bis zu drei Monate angelegt und für das akademische Jahr 2013/14 vorgesehen.
Official announcement in English language:
The Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel invites applications from qualified scholars to join the institute for a fixed-term Visiting Fellowship during the academic year 2013-14.
The Institute for European Global Studies builds on the rich tradition of research on Europe at the University of Basel and complements it with a global perspective on Europe. In three interconnected research areas, located in the fields of law, economics and society, the institute conducts globally-oriented research on Europe and its transcultural entanglements. The institute’s research approach is multidisciplinary and methodologically diverse in order to cross the borders of established disciplines and to initiate and support fundamental research. Special attention is paid to the processes of Europe’s transcultural interconnections with Africa and Asia.
Fellows will benefit from the excellent work conditions at the Institute for European Global Studies and from academic exchange with international colleagues. They will find both the freedom and the inspiration necessary to work on a research project that is hard to realize under the conditions of everyday academic life. We welcome applications from researchers who are working on a project that fits into the general research perspective of the institute (as outlined above) and at the same time transcends the conventions of the field in a productive and inspiring way. We also encourage applications from researchers in the kick-off phase of a new project as the institute can offer longer-term project hosting opportunities.
Prospective Visiting Fellows have an established track record in the field of European and/or Global Studies and have at the same time cultivated the ability to think “outside the box”. Ideally, a fellow’s research project will provide fresh impulses to his/her field of expertise – both methodologically as well as in terms of the research perspective. Visiting Fellows should also be eager and willing to exchange with colleagues, share their ideas about research in and on a Global Europe and to further contribute to the extraordinary atmosphere of the Institute for European Global Studies.
The institute particularly welcomes applications from candidates with a background in history, political science, law, economics or a combination thereof. However, interested researchers from other fields who feel that they can contribute to the larger questions investigated at the institute are also invited to apply.
Visiting Fellows will typically join the institute for a period of three months, although adjustments to the individual requirements of a fellow can be made in this regard. Financial compensation will be available according to the fellow’s academic position. Candidates are kindly requested to send their application dossier (at least CV, project description, preferred time of visit) electronically for the attention of Mrs Sabine Makhdoomi (sabine.makhdoomi-at-unibas.ch). Deadline: 20.5.2013