/ Forschung

Call for Papers: Conference on Chinese Philosophy

The 2nd Biennal Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP) will take place in Basel on September 7-9, 2017. The theme of the conference is "Global Chinese Philosophy". Paper and panel proposals can be submitted until March 31.

Today, Chinese Philosophy stands as a topic that attracts scholars from around the world and that is making impressive headway on finding its place in the established discipline of philosophy. But what is the appropriate place for Chinese philosophy? Would not the fact that Chinese Philosophy has become global lead to the conclusion that Chinese philosophy can by now be simply considered to be philosophy? Such a conclusion would be welcomed by some and give the shivers to others (very much depending on what is understood by the term 'philosophy'). In any way, the global reality of Chinese Philosophy poses a challenge to the use and meaning of places put into relation to it, such as China – for which often a special relationship is claimed – or Europe – which highlights a longstanding and complicated historical relationship, but which also figures in the name of our association and hence hopefully has some use and some meaning. The conference theme, "Global Chinese Philosophy" is broadly designed to attract scholars from within Europe, but also from around the world. Thomas Fröhlich (University of Nuremberg-Erlangen and University of Hamburg) and Loy Hui-chieh (National University of Singapore) will hold keynote speeches.

Scholars with interest in Chinese philosophy and philosophy in China are invited to submit proposals for individual papers or panels to Ralph Weber (ralph.weber@clutterunibas.ch).

Abstracts should be no more than 200 words. Panel proposals should include the title and a brief description of the panel, as well as the names, affiliations, and email addresses of the participants. Please also provide the titles of each participant’s presentation. The deadline for submission is March 31, 2017. Notice of acceptance of proposals will be sent to your e-mail address by the end of April, with instructions for how to register and submit the conference registration fee (EACP members: 60 EUR for scholars and 20 EUR for students, non-members: 80 EUR for scholars and 30 EUR for students).

To encourage participation and inclusion of young researchers, there will be a Young Scholars Award. MA holders and PhD candidates who submit a paper proposal should therefore indicate whether they wish to compete for the award. Winners of the award will be receiving a full travel grant and prize money.

Further information can be found on the website of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP)

Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber is Assistant Professor for European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies. His main research areas are: Methodological and conceptual aspects of multilingual and transcultural research, comparative philosophy, Chinese political philosophy, Chinese politics, and Confucianism. Prof. Weber is also Vice-President of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP).