/ Forschung
New Issue of the E-Journal "Global Europe"

The new issue of the e-journal "Global Europe" is out, featuring three articles by graduates of the Institute of European Global Studies. The papers by Leonard Flach, Arun Mahato and Lyne Schuppisser are based on their research for their master’s theses.
Leonard Flach discusses in his article "Decision-Shaping or Decision-Making?" the role of the Federal Assembly in Swiss foreign policy using the example of the negotiation of the institutional framework agreement with the European Union. After a historical classification and a discussion of the relevant legal basis, the author undertakes a computer-aided content analysis of the parliamentary debates on the agreement in the Official Bulletin of the Federal Assembly.
Arun Mahato investigates in his article "EU Sanctions Policy Vis-à-Vis Russia" the role of norms in European Union (EU) sanctions policy towards Russia in the context of the Russia-Ukraine War. Deploying an interdisciplinary approach drawing from EU law and social sciences, the author aims to answer the research question of the extent to which the EU’s foreign policy in this particular case can be interpreted as having normative power.
Lyne Schuppisser discusses in her article "Judging Climate Change" the KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and the Urgenda cases by comparing the legal and political systems in the Netherlands and in Switzerland as well as by conducting expert interviews. The author explains why the two cases have different outcomes despite the similarities of the cases and the countries.
About the contributors and editors
The authors completed the MA European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies in 2022. Leonard Flach now works as a journalist for Swiss Radio and Television in Zurich. Arun Mahato now works as a scientific consultant in the field of economic research and strategy consulting in Berlin. Lyne Schuppisser started an internship in 2023 within the cantonal administration of Aargau, where she works for the specialist department of sustainability.
The issue of the e-journal has been edited by Sarah Hagmann, Academic Staff at the Institute of European Global Studies, under guidance of Prof. Dr. Corey Ross, Director of the Institute for European Global Studies.
About the E-Journal
Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective is an academic e-journal showcasing the excellent research of graduates as well as other young and senior scholars interested in analyzing Europe and the EU in a global context.
The journal is published up to two issues per year. The publications are available as PDF-files via the open access platform of the University Library Basel as well as in the e-journal's archive on this site. In addition, readers can subscribe to it by sending an e-mail to europa@unibas.ch.