/ Forschung
New Issue of the E-Journal "Global Europe"

The new issue of the e-journal "Global Europe" is out, featuring three articles by graduates of the Institute for European Global Studies. The papers by Sarah Farhatiar, Michael Honegger, and Angela Zollinger are based on their research for their master’s theses.
Sarah Farhatiar studies the impact of the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 pandemic response on the securitization of global health policy. Her argument applies the literature on securitization to the rhetoric employed by the organization’s Director General and examines the policy output in a prospective pandemic treaty.
Michael Honegger explores fundamental questions of peace and stability in his extensive quantitative analysis of interstate conflicts. Working to disentangle democratic and territorial peace theories, his findings highlight the importance of civil society in strengthening the peaceful relationships between adjacent democracies. The paper also suggests that the pacific effects of democracy apply only to relations between two democratic states but not to relationships with non-democratic polities.
Finally, Angela Zollinger analyses the confluence of Brexit and powerful sentiments like Empire nostalgia and English nationalism in the making of the 2023 Northern Ireland Legacy Act by drawing on parliamentary records and stakeholder interviews. Her study explores the law’s expected adverse effects on the Northern Irish transitional justice process and points to persistent and potentially damaging policy impacts of Brexit.
About the contributors and editors
The authors completed the MA European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies in 2023. Sarah Farhatiar now works as Consultant and Strategic Partnership Advisor, conducting gender analyses to support development cooperation in Afghanistan for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Michael Honegger works at the Department for Military Sociology at the Military Academy at the ETH Zurich. Angela Zollinger did an internship with the Political, Legal Affairs and Communications team at the Swiss Embassy in the United Kingdom after completing her studies.
The issue of the e-journal has been edited by Paul Blickle, Academic Staff at the Institute of European Global Studies, under guidance of Prof. Dr. Corey Ross, Director of the Institute for European Global Studies.
About the E-Journal
Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective is an academic e-journal showcasing the excellent research of graduates as well as other young and senior scholars interested in analyzing Europe and the EU in a global context.
The journal is published up to two issues per year. The publications are available as PDF-files via the open access platform of the University Library Basel as well as in the e-journal's archive on this site. In addition, readers can subscribe to it by sending an e-mail to europa@unibas.ch.