/ Forschung

New Issue of the E-Journal "Global Europe"

New edition of the Basel Papers

The new issue of the e-journal "Global Europe" offers insights into our research area "The Divisive Power of Citizenship". In her contribution, Teresa Pullano explores the relationship between citizenship and times of crisis. Peter Cornwell shows how digital research outputs can be made accessible for longer periods of time. The e-journal is available in open access.

In her contribution, Teresa Pullano argues that citizenship is a specific form of social and political closure, defining the changing "shape" of both political subjects and forms of government/statehood. Looking at citizenship as an institution of political subjectivity and statehood, she investigates the relationship between citizenship and moments of historical ruptures such as wars, revolutions, or times of political transformation. Furthermore, she asks if citizenship contributes to shaping the temporal dimension of statehood on the one hand and of moments of collective or individual self-emancipation on the other. Seeing citizenship as simultaneously a discursive and a material structure, Pullano brings forward the hypothesis that it shapes our understanding of historical time according to these dimensions.

The second contribution, by Peter Cornwell, deals with the following issue: Given the constant evolution of browser functionality and security arrangements, digital research outputs, except published literature, rarely remain accessible for more than a few years. Cornwell describes recent progress with research data infrastructures which has the potential to improve the sustainability of research investments. He presents new standards-based annotation techniques, developed in the biodiversity community, which have been applied to global history research questions. As Cromwell shows, open repository software platforms supporting this "scientific treatment" approach can now generate technology-independent data resources – supporting long-term reuse by the global community.

About the Contributors

Teresa Pullano is a researcher at the CNR-IRPPS in Rome, Italy. Her research focuses on policies concerning European citizenship in connection to freedom of movement within the EU. She is interested in analyzing the restructuring of contemporary citizenship in Europe as a specific form and structure of statehood. On these issues, she published the book "La citoyenneté européenne: un espace quasi-étatique" (Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2014).

Peter Cornwell is a research fellow at the Institute for East Asian Studies at ENS-Lyon, a visiting fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies in Basel and professor at the Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture at Westminster University, London. He is also European co-chair of the Research Data Alliance Preservation Tools, Technologies and Policies Group, community lead for OCFL and WADM in the InvenioRDM Consortium and an expert advisory board member of BiCIKL EU Research and Innovation action in Biodiversity 101007492.

About the E-Journal

Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective is an academic e-journal showcasing the excellent research of graduates as well as other young and senior scholars interested in analyzing Europe and the EU in a global context.

The journal is published in two issues per year. The publications are available as PDF-files via the open access platform of the University Library Basel as well as in the e-journal's archive on this site. In addition, readers can subscribe to it by sending an e-mail to europa@unibas.ch.

Further Information