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Visiting Fellow Gentjan Skara at University of Bonn

front view University of Bonn / Gentjan Skara

Photos: front view of University of Bonn (Wikimedia Commons) / Gentjan Skara (EIB)

On 17 October 2023, Gentjan (Genti) Skara, Katekisama Visiting Fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies, gave a presentation as part of the “Katekisama Lecture Series” at the University of Bonn.

In his talk “Adapting the Competition Policy for the Digital Age: Assessing the EU’s Approach”, Skara focused on the rationale behind and the need for regulating Big Tech companies’ behavior in the EU digital market. To do so, he analyzed the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) and its relationship to EU Competition Law. The event was hosted by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer, Junior Professor of International Relations and Global Politics of Technology at the University of Bonn.

Gentjan (Genti) Skara is a lecturer of EU Law and Competition Law at the Department of Law, Bedër University College, Albania. He is currently a Katekisama Visiting Fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies, where he is working on a project titled “The Enforcement of Digital Markets Act and its compliance with Competition Law”.