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Ralph Weber at the World Congress of Philosophy in Rome

On the right, the image shows Ralph Weber. On the left, there is the cover of the book «Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities» as well as the logo of the XXV World Congress of Philosophy in Rome.

Ralph Weber | Cover of the book «Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities» (Bloomsbury, 2022); Logo of the XXV. World Congress of Philosophy in Rome.

Ralph Weber was co-presenter of a roundtable entitled «Boundaries of Philosophy: Reflections on Pluralism in the Practice and Methodology of Comparative Philosophy» at Sapienza University of Rome. The event was part of the 25th World Congress of Philosophy and took place on 6th August 2024.

The roundtable was firmly placed in the research tradition of comparative philosophy and turned to the cultural and intellectual damage associated with the exclusion of comparative and non-Western philosophy from mainstream philosophy. Comparative philosophy can then serve as a backdrop against which traditional notions of philosophy – and the boundaries they create – can be revisited and rethought. The event, which was jointly organised by Ralph Weber, Geir Sigurðsson (Reykjavík), Elisa Freschi (Toronto), and Steven Burik (Singapore), was thus a direct contribution to the theme of the world congress «Philosophy across Boundaries».

The roundtable also served to present the collection «Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities» (Bloomsbury, 2022) edited by Ralph Weber, Steven Burik, and Robert Smid (Milton, MA). The volume highlights issues associated with historical uses and abuses of the demarcations and validity of comparative philosophy, as well as some productive methodological approaches to address them moving forward. The roundtable provided a platform to discuss some of the unresolved questions laid out in this book with various scholarly communities in philosophy.

Ralph Weber is Professor for European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies. He specialises on Political Theory, Chinese Politics and modern Confucianism. Currently, he is the President of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy and the Chair of the Section on Political Theory in the Swiss Political Science Association.