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Ralph Weber Edits Book on Comparative Philosophy

"Comparative Philosophy without Borders" is the name of a new book edited by Prof. Ralph Weber together with Prof. Arindam Chakrabarti (University of Hawaii). It deals with philosophical issues that transcend cultural boundaries.
In their book, Prof. Weber and Prof. Chakrabarti present original scholarship by leading contemporary philosophers. Each of the texts discusses a philosophical issue that is important in the context of more than one culture. In their contributions, the philosophers break with three kinds of boundaries: those between cultures, those between historical periods and those between sub-disciplines of philosophy.
Three phases in the development of comparative philosophy up to the present day are distinguished in the book. Moreover, the authors explain why the discipline now needs to enter a new phase. They also discuss modern psychological and cognitive science approaches to the nature of mind and topics such as perception, poetry, justice, authority, and the very possibility of understanding other people.
Prof. Ralph Weber is Assistant Professor for European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies. His main research areas are: Methodological and conceptual aspects of multilingual and transcultural research, comparative philosophy, Chinese political philosophy, Chinese politics, and Confucianism.
Prof. Arindam Chakrabarti earned a D.Phil from Oxford University. Philosophy of language and logic, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and Indian philosophy are his major areas of specialization. He has been a Visiting Professor at Institute of Advanced Studies in Edinburgh, UK, the Sanskrit University in Tirupati, India, at Trinity College Cambridge, and at the National Institute of Advanced Study, Bangalore, India.
Further information:
Chakrabarti, Arindam, and Ralph Weber, eds. 2015. "Comparative Philosophy without Borders". New York: Bloomsbury Academic.