/ Events
Ralph Weber: Lectures in China

Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber has recently held two lectures at Chinese universities. The Assistant Professor for European Global Studies spoke at the Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (BUAA) and at the Renmin University of China.
Prof. Dr. Weber was invited to BUAA's Institute for Ideology and Political Theory by Prof. Xie Huiyuan. In his lecture on November 9, he spoke about "The Philosophy of Authority and Political Power".
On November 11, he held a lecture at the Fifth World Sinology Congress. His talk was "On Studying a Relational Object: Sinology and Chinese Global Studies". The congress was held on November 10-12, 2016, at Renmin University of China, Beijing; it was titled: "Sinologies in Comparative Context: Tradition and Innovation". Further information on the congress can be found on its website.
Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber is Assistant Professor for European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies. His main research areas are: Methodological and conceptual aspects of multilingual and transcultural research, comparative philosophy, Chinese political philosophy, Chinese politics, and Confucianism.
Impressions from Prof. Dr. Webers visit to BUAA: