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Ralph Weber, Xu Zhenxu, and Chan Yim Fong at the World Congress of Philosophy in Beijing
Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber, Xu Zhenxu, and Chan Yim Fong have presented papers at the 24th World Congress of Philosophy. The event took place from August 13 to August 20, 2018, in Beijing, China. The congress sought to explore dimensions of the human and to inquire into the challenges facing humanity.
Ralph Weber participated as a speaker in two invited sessions, focusing on comparative philosophy (“Doing Philosophy Comparatively: How to Look at Distinct Approaches in Philosophy and Society”), and on the impact of philosophy on social sciences in Africa and China (“Philosophy and its Theoretical, Epistemological and Methodological Changes: Impact on Social Sciences in Africa and China”).
Xu Zhenxu and Chan Yim Fong presented their talks in student sessions. Xu Zhenxu’s presentation was entitled “Against Moralism: Revisiting Dai Zhen’s Critique of Neo-Confucianism,” Chan Yim Fong spoke about “The Problem of Intuition in the Early Thought of Liang Shuming.”
The World Congress of Philosophy is organized every five years by the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP) in collaboration with one of its member societies. More than 6,000 participants attended the 24th World Congress of Philosophy, which was held in Beijing, China, from August 13 to August 20, 2018, under the auspices of the Chinese Organizing Committee.
Ralph Weber is Assistant Professor of European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies in Basel. His research interests include comparative philosophy, Chinese political philosophy, Confucianism, Chinese politics, as well as methodological and conceptual aspects of translinguistic and transcultural research.
Xu Zhenxu is an SNSF-Fellow in the project Authenticity in Comparison and a doctoral candidate at the Institute for European Global Studies. Among his research interests are metaphysics and ethics in Neo-Confucianism, the methodology of Comparative Philosophy, as well as Wittgenstein, metaphilosophy and the problem of dogmatism.
Chan Yim Fong will join the Institute for European Global Studies in 2019, working as a doctoral candidate in the SNSF-project The Exterior of Philosophy: On the Practice of New Confucianism.
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