Vorträge und öffentliche Auftritte

SNF-Projekte Tobler Weber

/ Forschung

Der SNF fördert zwei neue Projekte am Europainstitut

Prof. Christa Tobler und Prof. Ralph Weber haben beim Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (SNF) zwei neue Forschungsprojekte eingeworben. Christa Toblers Projekt befasst sich ab Herbst 2018 mit Fragen der Altersdiskriminierung im Arbeitsrecht,…
The Politics of European Studies in Asia

The Politics of European Studies in Asia: Workshop in Basel

What drives research on Europe globally? And are European studies politicized in Asia? These are the key questions of a workshop titled „The Politics of European Studies in Asia” at the Institute for European Global Studies. The event was…

/ Weitere

Ralph Weber spricht an der Queen Mary University of London über Komparative Philosophie

Prof. Ralph Weber sprach am 17. Januar 2018 an der Queen Mary University of London über Komparative Philosophie. Sein Vortrag war Teil einer vom Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context ausgerichteten Vorlesungsreihe zum Thema…

/ Weitere

Ralph Weber bei internationaler Tagung zum Erbe Liu Xiaobos in Helsinki

Prof. Ralph Weber sprach am 12. Januar 2018 bei einem internationalen Symposium zum Erbe Liu Xiaobos in Helsinki über den normativen Reiz des politischen Realismus in der Volksrepublik China („On the Normative Appeal of Political Realism…

/ Events

EIB (Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber) organizes International Workshop in Cameroon

“European Concepts for African Realities – Problem or Not?” was the topic of a conference organised by the EIB in Yaoundé, Cameroon. The event took place from November 19 to 23 at the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences of the…

/ Forschung

Prof. Weber and Dr. Silvana Târlea in China

Prof. Ralph Weber and Dr. Silvana Târlea travelled to China at the end of October to conduct fieldwork for the project "European Studies in a Global Perspective".

/ Events

Conference on “Global Chinese Philosophy”

Almost 100 scholars have presented their work at the 2nd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP), which took place in Basel on September 7-9, 2017. The theme of the conference was "Global Chinese…

/ Events

7th European Conference on African Studies in Basel

“Urban Africa – Urban Africans: New Encounters of the Rural and the Urban” was the topic of the 7th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS). The conference was organized by the Centre for African Studies Basel and the Swiss Society…

/ People

Chinese Strategic Narratives: Ralph Weber at Doctoral Thesis Defense

In November, Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber was invited to the University of Lapland to serve as an opponent at a doctoral thesis defense. Defendent Jyrki Kallio presented a thesis on the Chinese Communist Party-led process of constructing a…

/ Organisation

Chinese Managers Visit Basel

The Institute for European Studies recently hosted a group of managers from the Shanghai Economic Management College (SEMC). Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber welcomed the guests who are on an exchange with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts…