Vorträge und öffentliche Auftritte

/ News, Forschung
Ralph Weber and Silvana Târlea Publish Article in JCMS
Prof. Dr. Ralph Weber and Dr. Silvana Târlea have recently published an article in the Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS). The piece is titled «Politics of Immobility: Global Knowledge Production and the Study of Europe in Asia».
/ Weitere
Ralph Weber and Silvana Târlea Participate in the Council for European Studies' Conference
From June 20-22, 2019, the 26th International Conference of Europeanists took place in Madrid, Spain. Ralph Weber and Silvana Târlea were among the speakers of the Council for European Studies’ gathering and had the opportunity to present…
/ Forschung
New Book on Political Influence on Economic Growth in Post-Communist European Countries
“Parties, Power and Policy-Making” is the title of a new book by Silvana Târlea. In the monograph, the post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for European Global Studies explores the conditions under which political parties in government…
The Politics of European Studies in Asia: Workshop in Basel
What drives research on Europe globally? And are European studies politicized in Asia? These are the key questions of a workshop titled „The Politics of European Studies in Asia” at the Institute for European Global Studies. The event was…