/ Studium

PhD Project Lab – New Research in European Global Studies

PhD Project Lab

On December 19, 2019, a group of doctoral students affiliated with the Institute for European Global Studies had the opportunity to present their PhD projects in front of an interdisciplinary audience of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers and professors.

Touching upon a huge variety of topics, the works presented investigated the role of international organizations in postwar-situations, the debates of Confucians and Liberals in 1950’s Taiwan, networks of Jewish relief organizations in the 1930s and 1940s as well as knowledge production in European Studies in the Middle East and North Africa.

After the PhD Project Lab, PhD students enrolled in the Graduate Program European Global Studies presented their respective research projects with posters in the context of the doctoral course New Research in European Global Studies. This course also served as the first annual meeting of the Graduate Program in European Global Studies.  

The PhD Project Lab is one of the platforms to bring together early-career and senior researchers and to enhance the interdisciplinary dialogue at the Institute. It specifically aims at transcending disciplinary boundaries and is designed to provide a stimulating environment for interdisciplinary research by adopting innovative forms of teaching.

The event brought together researchers of the research areas Global History of Europe and European Global Knowledge Production. It was organized by Madeleine Herren and Ralph Weber, the principle investigators of the respective research areas.

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