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Roundtable with Corey Ross at the University of Augsburg

Conference Poster and Photo of Corey Ross.

Conference Poster «Matter and Meaning: New Material Ecologies in Culture and History» (cropped) and Corey Ross (EIB).

Corey Ross joined an interdisciplinary roundtable at the workshop «Matter and Meaning: New Material Ecologies in Culture and History» at the Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt at the University of Augsburg. Encompassing scholars in the fields of history, literature, and ethics, the aim of the panel was not only to discuss ways to overcome the disconnection between constructivist understandings of culture and scientific materialism, but also to explore how different disciplinary approaches can learn and borrow from one another to further this endeavor. The conference took place on 30 September - 01 October 2024.

Corey Ross is Director of the Institute and Professor for European Global Studies. His expertise focuses on the history of imperialism and global environmental history in the 19th and 20th centuries. His research on the socio-environmental history of Europe’s relations with the rest of the world builds on interdisciplinarity, investigates the global, transimperial and transnational circulation of ideas, goods and people, and aims to highlight perspectives that are relevant to major present-day and future challenges.