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Members of the Institute for European Global Studies Attend Workshop at Komazawa University in Tokyo

Madeleine Herren-Oesch presents the Institute for European Global Studies. On the panel: Atsushi Shibasaki, Yoko Nishioka (both Komazawa University), Ralph Weber, and Cornelia Knab (both University of Basel) (from left to right). All photos: Komazawa University.

A delegation of the Institute for European Global Studies participated in a workshop at the Faculty of Global Media Studies of Komazawa University in Tokyo on November 29, 2019. The scholars from Basel followed the invitation of Atsushi Shibasaki, former Visiting Professor at the Institute.
About the Workshop:
At the workshop, members of the two universities exchanged views on institutional and interdisciplinary approaches in teaching and research. Professors from Komazawa University reflected on their sabbatical leaves abroad; among them was Atsushi Shibasaki, who was a Visiting Professor at the Institute for European Global Studies from April 2017 to September 2018.
Atsushi Shibasaki’s stay in Basel also laid the foundation for the latest issue of the e-journal “Global Europe.” At the center of the 118th issue of the journal, which was published in December 2019, is a conversation between Shibasaki and the prominent Italian political philosopher Antonio Negri. In their dialogue, the two scholars touch upon significant cross-cultural intersections between Negri’s theoretical approaches and those of non-European thinkers.
The workshop at the Faculty of Global Media Studies of Komazawa University took place on 29, November 2019. The delegation from Basel included Madeleine Herren-Oesch, Ralph Weber, and Cornelia Knab.
About the Participants:
Atsushi Shibasaki is Professor at the Faculty of Global Media Studies of Komazawa University, Japan. During 2017/2018 he was a visiting professor at the Institute for European Global Studies. He has published several books on international relations, international cultural relations, and the study of global relations.
Madeleine Herren-Oesch is Professor of Modern History and the Director of the Institute for European Global Studies. While her fields of expertise cover 19th and 20th century history, her historiographical approach examines history through its strong connections to the contemporary world in its multilayered, global dimensions.
Ralph Weber is Professor for European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies. He specializes on Political Theory, Chinese Politics and modern Confucianism. Currently, he is the President of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy and the Chair of the Section on Political Theory in the Swiss Political Science Association.
Cornelia Knab is research associate in European Global Studies as well as scientific manager of the Institute for European Global Studies. Her research interests include European and global history (especially nineteenth and twentieth century), the history of internationalism and of international organizations, and the history of epidemics, epizootics and of veterinary medicine.
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