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Philippe Major and Milan Matthiesen Present Papers at Online Conference on "The Other in Chinese History and Thought"

"Modern Confucian Others" was the topic of a panel Philippe Major and Milan Matthiesen participated in at the international workshop "The Other in Chinese History and Thought: Territory, Race, Culture, Philosophy, Religion." The event was organized by Ghent University and took place on 15-16 Novemer 2021 online.
In their exploration of modern Confucian Others, Philippe Major discussed Othering processes in ‘New Confucian Manifesto,’ and Milan Matthiesen centered his discussion on the use of the Other in Mou Zongsan’s political writings. In a third talk in the panel, Lisa Lindkvist Zhang (Heidelberg University) explored the formation of religious Others by looking at the work of Liang Shuming. The panel was chaired by Ady Van den Stock.
Philippe Major is a postdoctoral researcher in the SNSF-funded project The Exterior of Philosophy at the Institute for European Global Studies. His research interests include Modern Chinese Philosophy, Modern Chinese Intellectual History, New Confucianism, Sociology of Philosophy, The Relationship between Modernity and Tradition, as well as Textual Authority.
Milan Matthiesen is a research fellow in the SNSF-funded project The Exterior of Philosophy at the Institute for European Global Studies. His research interests include New Confucianism in Taiwan and Hong Kong, the development of modernity in the 19th and early 20th century in Europe and Asia, the history of philosophy, conceptual History, and the sociology of philosophy, as well as contemporary political theory.
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