Dr. Silvana Târlea
Postdoc in European Global Studies
Europainstitut der Universität Basel
Riehenstrasse 154
CH-4058 Basel
Büro 00.018
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 74879
Twitter: @SilvanaTarlea
Website: www.silvanatarlea.com
Current Positions
April 2017 - present: Post-doctoral researcher (Oberassistent) Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel
September 2016 - present: Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte) and Post-doctoral researcher on EMU Choices project, Political Science Department, University of Basel
Previous Positions
2014 – 2016: Max Weber Post-Doctoral Fellow, European University Institute, Florence
January - August 2016: Visiting Research Scholar, University of California Berkeley
July 2015: DPhil in Political Science from the University of Oxford, Nuffield College
Thesis: Dependency and Development in Central and Eastern Europe’s New Capitalist Systems Supervisor: David Soskice, Examiners: Gwendolyn Sasse, Bob Hancke.
July 2009: MSc. in International Relations from the University of Amsterdam
August 2008: BA (honors) in Political Science from the University of Bucharest
August 2008: BA (honors) Business Administration from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
September 2006 - February 2007: Erasmus exchange student Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg
Peer-Reviewed Monograph
Parties, Power and Policy-making: From Higher Education to Multinationals in Post-Communist Societies. Routledge, 2018.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
With Freyberg-Inan, Annette (forthcoming): The Education Skills Trap in a Dependent Market Economy. Romania’s Case in the 2000s Communist and Post-Communist Studies.
The Political Economy of Higher Education Governance in Central and Eastern Europe - special issue contribution, Michael Dobbins, Marek Kwiek (eds.), European Educational Research Journal, 2016.
Complementarity in a Mixed Methods Design: Political Economy of Skill Formation in Central and Eastern Europe, Sage Publications, London, 2014.
Other Publications
Book review, Silvana Cimpoca, Capitalist Diversity at Europe’s Periphery by Dorothee Bohle and Bela Greskovits, Cornell University Press 2012, 36/4, 2013.
The Legislative and the Media in the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia (with Nikola Belakova), MDCEE Working Paper, St. Antony’s College, Oxford, 2013.