
/ News, Forschung, Weiterbildung, Campus
Visiting Fellowship 2025 – Call for Applications
The Europainstitut / Institute for European Global Studies of the University of Basel (Switzerland) welcomes applications for a visiting fellowship (up to 3 months) between September and December 2025. The thematic focus for this year’s…
/ News, Forschung, People
EIB-Studie zur Situation der uigurischen und tibetischen Gemeinschaften in der Schweiz: Bundesratsbericht und Medienecho
Zahlreiche nationale und internationale Medien berichten über eine Studie von Ralph Weber, Shrey Kapoor, Selina Morell und Barbara von Rütte über die Einflussnahme chinesischer Akteure auf uigurische und tibetische Gemeinschaften in der…
/ News, Doktorat, People
New Book Publication about Migration Management in the EU by Sebastian Meyer
Sebastian Meyer has published his thesis on how EU member states manage migration between national sovereignty and EU membership. He is an expert in EU law, specializing in constitutional and institutional issues. His research focuses on EU…Stay Connected – Das Europainstitut in den Sozialen Medien
Das Forschungsprojekt Chinazimmer

Globalgeschichte in der Sandgrube
Die Forschungsgruppen Globalgeschichte Europas sowie Digital Humanities untersuchen in einem neuen Forschungsprojekt am Europainstitut das Chinazimmer der Sandgrube. Sie nutzen die Sandgrube, seit Herbst 2019 das neue Domizil des Europainstituts, als materielles Artefakt, um all jenen Spuren nachzugehen, die der jahrhundertelange globale Austausch in einem lokalen Basler Umfeld hinterlassen haben.
Zum Projekt: Basels globales Paradies Forschung in virtueller Realität und Globalgeschichte
FOCAL: The Asia Directories Database

Explore the Asia Directories and Chronicles
A new tool, the Asia Directories Database, now offers access to the names of approximately one million persons registered in The Foreign Residents Lists of the Asia Directories and Chronicles. Covering the entire area of East Asia and nearly one century (1863 to 1941), this publicly available data resource offers a unique insight into the dynamics and shifting societies formed by (primarily Western) foreign residents.
Learn more about the project and visit FOCAL: The Asia Directories Database


E-Journal "Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective"