
/ Forschung

E-Journal "Global Europe" on Managing Diversity

Can the Indian subcontinent be taken as a role model for managing diversity in Europe? This question discusses Dr. Malcolm MacLaren in the next issue of the e-journal "Global Europe - Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective".

/ Events

Workshop: Altern in Südasien und Europa

Mit der Frage, wie Menschen mit dem Altern umgehen und welche Auswirkungen die immer grössere Zahl älterer Menschen auf die Gesellschaft hat, beschäftigte sich eine Konferenz des Exzellenzclusters "Asien und Europa im globalen Kontext" der…

/ Forschung

New Book on Delimiting Modernities

"Delimiting Modernities: Conceptual Challenges and Regional Responses" is the title of a new book edited by Ralph Weber, professor for European Global Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies, and Sven Trakulhun. The volume aims…

/ Forschung

Working Lunch with Teresa Pullano

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, at 12.15pm, the Institute for European Global Studies invited to a Working Lunch with Teresa Pullano, assistant professor of European Global Studies. The topic of her talk was “Statehood Restructuring in the EU: a…

/ Forschung

International Research Award in Global History 2015

The Universities of Basel, Heidelberg and Sydney are proud to announce that Dr. Adam Clulow is the recipient of the International Research Award in Global History 2015. He receives the award for his conference "The Global Company".

/ Events

Workshop on Historical Mapping with WorldMap

“Exploring WorldMap” is the title of a workshop with Professor Suzanne Preston Blier (Harvard). The event aimed to demonstrate historical mapping on the web through a hands-on approach. It took place on Friday, March 13th, 2015, at the…

/ People

Lecture on European Global Studies by Madeleine Herren in India

"Decolonizing Epistemologies at 90° 0′ N ..?: European Global Studies through the lenses of a global rescue mission" is the title of lecture by Prof. Dr. Madeleine Herren-Oesch. The event will take place on February 24, 2015, at the Centre…

/ Events

Vortrag über das Verhältnis der Schweiz zu Europa

„Verflechtungen und Abgrenzung: Historische Betrachtungen zur ‚condition d’être‘ des Kleinstaats“ war das Thema eines Vortrags von Prof. André Holenstein. Die Veranstaltung des Transversalen Kolloquiums der Basel Graduate School fand am…

/ Forschung

Working Lunch mit Matthäus Feigk

Am Dienstag, dem 17. Februar 2015, um 12.15 Uhr lud das Europainstitut zu einem Working Lunch mit SNF-Stipendiat Matthäus Feigk ein. Thema des Working Lunches war „Zwischen Glaube, Handel und Internationalismus. Die Basler Mission als…

/ Organisation

Call for Applications: Visiting Fellowships 2016

The Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel, Switzerland, welcomes applications for 3 Visiting Fellowships (three months in the academic year 2016, starting March or mid-September) within European Global Studies, with…