
/ Forschung
Der Erste Weltkrieg als globaler Krieg
Am 28. Juni 2014 jährt sich die Ermordung des österreichisch-ungarischen Thronfolgers Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand zum 100. Mal. Das Europainstitut nimmt den Jahrestag zum Anlass, um das analytische Potenzial der European Global Studies am…
/ Forschung
30. Juni 1914: Fahnen auf Halbmast in Singapur
Am 28. Juni 1914 fielen der österreichisch-ungarische Thronfolger Franz Ferdinand und seine Frau Sophie einem Attentat zum Opfer. Damit begann das Ende einer Epoche und die Zeit der Weltkriege.
/ People
Interview with Matthias Middell
Matthias Middell is Professor of History and Director of the Global and European Studies Institute at the University of Leipzig, Germany. He will stay as a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for European Global Studies. In this interview, he…
/ People
Matthias Middell Advances Different Projects
Migration history in Europe is the topic of a research project by Matthias Middell. He comes from the University of Leipzig to the Institute for European Global Studies as a Visiting Scholar. In this interview he talks about his different…
/ People
Donna Gabaccia on Immigrants in the U.S.
Professor Donna Gabaccia will stay as a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies from April to July. At the Institute she advances a research project on "Imagining Nations of Immigrants".
/ People
Interview with Donna Gabaccia
Professor Donna Gabaccia will stay as a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies from April to July. In this interview, she introduces her research project on Imagining Nations of Immigrants.
/ Studium
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Global Society
Global Society is a new Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) offered by the Institute for European Global Studies. The subject is one of five modules of the Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in European and Global Governance. Interested…
/ Forschung
Interview with Rainer Buschmann
Iberian visions of the Pacific is the topic of a research project by Visiting Fellow Rainer Buschmann, which he introduces in this interview. Rainer Buschman is Professor of History at the California State University Channel Islands, USA.
/ People
Rainer Buschmann on Iberian Visions
Iberian Visions of the Pacific is the topic of a research project by Visiting Fellow Rainer F. Buschmann. The scholar is one of several Visiting Fellows researching at the Institute for European Global Studies in this year.